Saturday, June 22, 2019

TODAY'S TWEETS: A compendium

  1. Trump policies are creating a generation that doesn't trust the government, worries about child safety, and looks at wealth with contempt and suspicion. Not in twenty years -- maybe three or four. Echoes of Vietnam.
    These things should not harden the solidarity of political parties, but rather cause people to leave, dispersing the entity. Maybe it's already happening.
    "US President William McKinley made his call to war before Congress. He spoke against the policy of reconcentración, calling it warfare by uncivilized means. “It was extermination,” McKinley said. “The only peace it could beget was that of the wilderness and the grave.” -- Pitzer
  4. If I tweet a rebuke, an objection, some aggressive fantasy, it is immediately re-tweeted. If I tweet an action, a recommendation, a suggestion -- crickets. Keyboard madness. Type it and pretend you did it.
    What can we do about all this? 1. Keep your own nose clean. 2. Take care of your own family. 3. Restore citizen education to the curriculum of high schools. 4. Pay attention.
  6.  2 hours ago
    But what can we do? Load up a truck with toothbrushes and soap, etc. and deliver it to the door of the camp. Take the media along. Create a puppet show of what's happening and present it at PTA meetings. Send letters, email, voice mail, twitter posts.
  7.  2 hours ago
    The bottom line for Porges' research into physical bodily reaction to extreme threats is that one potent self-protection is paralysis. We're there.
  8. One would think the proper embassies for these immigration originating countries who can't make their countries safe would at least make a protest to the US government. The US would do that, right? Get on record? Make a gesture? No cost.
  9.  2 hours ago
    Why do powerful people do obviously bad things to others, like torturing children? 1. It's none of my business. 2. I'm too important to give it attention. 3. Everyone says I'm doing really good things. 4. Morality is relative and getting ahead is the prime directive.
  10.  2 hours ago
    Why do we tolerate bad things being done to all of us? 1. It's none of my business. 2. I'm already overwhelmed. 3. What can I do anyway? 4. I might be fired. 5. Everyone else is tolerating it. 6. They're not MY children who are suffering. 7. There must be reasons.
  11.  2 hours ago
    They say Trump is protected and admired by 30% of Americans. Impossible to believe. I don't even believe 30% of voters are fans. I don't even believe 30% of Republicans would vote for Trump. Fake news? More like cooked books. He's good at that.
  12.  2 hours ago
    What are they afraid of? I suggest the "training cruelty" of Trump's gleeful shout, "You're fired!" It's not just loss of income, it's the accusation of incompetence or crime -- which Trump also exemplifies. Failure branding others with failure.
  13.  2 hours ago
    authorities, institutional welfare agencies, wealthy individuals, or credit cards to get the basics like cleanliness. Sod blankets -- if these places are cold, the kids need sleeping bags. The individual managers could be sued, right?
  14.  2 hours ago
    One would think that being hired to protect children would mean that the managers of these immigrant shelters would DEMAND what they need and since lives are at stake, if the government didn't respond, they would go to whatever resources they could find -- state and local.
  15.  3 hours ago
    Waking to darkness, high wind, thunder not too far away, occasional rain, low temps. First day of Summer. In New York City people are being pulled out of their homes, families specifically targeted. Children in concentration camps are sick and filthy. Why wake?

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