Friday, November 29, 2019


I'm  off my self-imposed rule of 1,000 words a day but not off topic.  If you want to keep up, I'm reading and digesting two essays in particular.  This is Joseph LeDoux's blog. He is doing direct research to help break down the 19th century assumptions that prescribe the terminology and assumptions about how humans operate that keep us confused and sometimes damaging.

The other one is from Aeon, by Stephen T. Asma. The title is "Imagination is such an ancient ability it might precede language."  Google should make it come up.

I tried reading a chapter from Barbara Hernstein Smith's newest book, but she has not escaped the  rigid histories except by labeling them.  She hasn't looked beyond.

We MUST look beyond to something like what Paul Tillich (who had a gift for phrases) called "The Ground of Being."  Otherwise there is no escape from our cage of thesis/antithesis/
hypothesis, an adversarial binary -- both of which we need to escape.

I'm high-lighting, making lists, looking up definitions, etc.  I recommend these practices.

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