Tuesday, August 11, 2020


There are just too many good things to tag.

For instance, this rather long article in Wired about how San Fran handled Covid-19 pretty well because they had suffered through AIDS and knew how to PAY ATTENTION !!



This is a shorter paper about identity and autobiography that was written two years earlier.  The ideas are the same.


HICKOK  A thumbnail review.

Two ancients, Bruce Dern (b1936) and Kris Kristofferson (b1936) take part in a diagrammatic enactment of the legend of Wild Bill Hickok.  Dern is the doc, Kristofferson is the mayor, and some youngster whose name I can’t remember played Hickock.  (Luke Hemsworth)

It’s almost a diagram of a Western in a little town built to be a movie set, something like watching a game of chess.  But for those who are into it, the moves have meaning.


I still like my little "Arctic Air" AC machine, but I have two caveats.  One is that it is plastic and plastic can stick, so it requires a bit of patience that way to get at the filter so you can wash it as recommended.  The other is that Valier tap water is alkali enough to leave a white buildup.  I'm buying distilled water.  It takes about a cup an hour.

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