Saturday, July 06, 2013

ALISON MURIE: Now Immortal

From Raven Murie
We're sending sad news: our mother Alison died on May 29 after a brief
illness. All three of us were there with her. This is the second massive
tree to fall in the past 16 months (Martin died Jan. 28, 2012) and it only widens the gash in the

Knowing her preferences, we held no memorial service or funeral, so
there is no single forum for sharing memories. It's a stretch to find
the words to say or write at a time like this. But we are a family of
words: readers and talkers who naturally would welcome your Alison
memories. Equally, as people who occasionally wrestle with the work of
writing, we'd understand if the words don't come at all. We just want
you to know what has happened.

Here's a link to what we wrote for the Yellow Springs News obit:

R, N, J


Bit of a blunder here.  I took a photo off the 'Net but since I never knew Alison in person, only in print (which was wonderful), I pulled in some stranger.  The photo at the heading now is from Raven who certifies it IS Alison!

This is Raven's comment:

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