Saturday, August 08, 2020


Months ago Twitter suspended me.  No reason.   Possibly it was because I changed my email address. I appealed.  No answer.  So I just waited.  Nothing happened.

I thought I would just cancel my account.  But I can only cancel it from inside the account, which I can't get into.  I thought I would change my email address but someone had already done that.

Just now I thought I would try the Twitter means of reform again.  Then I saw this requirement:  if you make contact, it gives us the right to ransack all information accessible through your computer.  

I see.  They think I'm a spy.  Well, if senators can be traitors and the Repubs don't even mind, it's no wonder they think I'm a spy.  After all, I'm an 80-year-old solitary in a tiny Montana village who writes all the time.  Why would anyone be like that if they weren't a spy.  It's suspicious.

I'm beyond being angry.  I'm nauseated. I can hang on a few more months.  I guess.  Maybe.

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